The Essentials of the Basic Structure of a C Program

3 min readFeb 9, 2021

C language is one of the most popular programming languages used by software developers across the globe. However, learning and understanding the structure of C language is critical for those who aspire to become programmers and software developers in the future. So, if you are planning to take a C language tutorial, you shall be taught the structure of C language in detail. Once you have understood the basics of C, you can move on to learn advanced C programming.

But, here is a quick run-through on the basic structure of the language to help you understand your C language tutorial better.

Six Sections of the C Language

There are six sections of the C language namely, Documentation, Link, Definition, Global Declaration, Main Functions and Subprograms. The whole code that you will develop will follow this outline.

Here’s is a quick brief on all these segments:


You will start with documentation, which is an extremely essential step in the whole procedure, on enrolling for a C language course. This is where the programmer shall enter all details associated with the program such as the name of the program, details of the author, time of coding and description. This is useful for anyone who is reading or reviewing the code.


In the second section of the basic structure of C language, you will learn about linking. During your C programming tutorial you will learn how linking is use to declare header files that will be used in the program. This basically serves as the cue for the compiler to link all headers to the system libraries.

Definition Section

The third section in the basic structure of C language is Definition. This is where different constants are defined. For example, keywords are defined in this section. If you plan to learn C language, you will be provided a theoretical understanding and practical demonstration on the Definition section of the language.

Global Declaration Section

Global declaration involves defining global variables present in the program. Also, user functions are defined in this section. To understand this further, you can take a C language tutorial online.

Main Function Section

Every program developed using C language needs to have a main function section. This section is bifurcated into two parts — declaration and execution. In the declaration part, all variables are defined. Both the declaration and execution bits are placed within curly brackets. The execution process begins at the curly bracket and ends at the closing curly bracket. The best way to learn about main function section is to practice. A C programming tutorial from a reputed organization can help you get clarity — both theoretically and practically — on the importance of the main function section.


The sub-program section lays down all the user-defined functions. As you progress through the course, you will pick up the nuances of sub-programs. If you are already taking a course and need more clarity, reach out to your tutor to help you understand the concept through practical examples.

Bottom Line

This may sound very easy. But without clarity on the structure of C language and a thorough understanding of how each section functions, you will struggle to code. So pay close attention during your C language tutorials when you are learning the basic structure of C language.

The demand for software developers has soared in the past few years. For aspirants, the future is bright and offers innumerable opportunities of employment. So if you are keen to pursue a lucrative career as a software developer, enroll for a C language tutorial today. For those who are experienced, you can opt for the advanced C programming tutorial to take your career further ahead.




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